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You are another me and I another you.​ This is only an extension created from your heart connecting to mine. The love that we are is all the love we share and you found this place because the heart knows what it is searching for.

The fact is, the majority of the world is developed with examples of left brained (Science, Math,Logic, Competition, Sports, etc..) mentality.

This isn't to say that a portion of the world isn't being developed by right brain (Art, imagination, intuition, spirit, love, music, creativity, etc).

Its just that too much of today's society is developed by exposure to the left brain.

It's like saying draw a bike to a child, but before they start they are persuaded and given specifics with how it should be drawn.

The intuition is left to rest while the mind takes control over what was supposed to be creative. End result is a duplicate of the bike the person described except for a letter of the child's first name to put his personal touch on it. This is an example of society development. Not very balanced.

The point of this project is to create a bond, trust, friendship, or community that was built alone from intuition or feeling what should be posted in the group. There is no wrong action. The only thing you need to do is be honest with yourself.

Is this my feeling or my rationalization of my feeling? Am I being honest or am I dissecting the honest feeling to do what I/Ego wants to do?

My promise to you is that everything I post will be fully from intuition and the heart.

Logic may be displayed, but it won't be persuaded from rationalization to be posted. Just a simple quiet mind and allowance for the feeling or impulse to show itself through stillness.

What's your part in this?

I feel this could bring adventure & excitement into your daily life. Instead of trying to figure out the mysteries & secrets of past, present, and future, you can instead leap right into an experience with the mystery that life exists as already.

You learn the secrets that your spirit already knows just by giving it a shot. Its almost like the soul/spirit is giving an opportunity to show you what its capable of without being shut off by the dominant ego. Its child like, innocent, and silly. Its taking pride and hanging it up for a little bit.

Being vulnerable and enjoying the experience it brings. Its going beyond the ego into the mystery of God's personal relationship with every creature & object existing.

A return or remembering of what you are and have always been.

What do I do?

Glad you asked. Just feel what information should be posted.

Don't think about it afterward. They say the first impressions you receive when doing something is the intuition or spirit. They say the voice that speaks to you of miracles & love is intuition.

When you try something you never would have, (while everything in your mind is speaking against it, but you feel otherwise) you may just see your spirit was correct all along. And last of all, the masters of space & time speaking about trust, truth, forgiveness, love, peace & even connection to the environment all are vibrating & resonating inside your intuition/spirit.

As humans & current awakening advocates we have a responsibility to step out of our human understanding & instead to step into the beyond or the Godly understanding we inhibit within us.

To try for Pete's sake to feel the energy of a plant or the vibrations of a painting. To hear the sounds that deaf people hear that we take for granted. To see the levels of dimensions that exist not only in the front of our face, but within our own temples.

So if you are interested, if you feel that this is for you, then share with us your experience with intuition that's happening in your life daily right now. Or share what brought you to think outside the human box.

What ridicule did you have to persevere through? What books brought you to this state of understanding? What practices increased your experience? What are you doing currently that could help people new to this? What religion or belief have you personally experienced that brought spirit/intuition in to help guide you? Do you believe in it? Do you not believe in a higher power? Can examples from other people with their personal experience help bring a new scientific reevaluation toward it? What amazing wisdom & insight were you gifted with to experience?

There's so many topics & experiences & my hope is to find people that are willing to share them. The world needs this more then ever at this time. Something personal to experience. The spiritual awakening isn't done by one person, it takes family Earth to prove & evolve into something beyond our human comprehension. To tip the scales of the left brain toward balance with the right brain. Just send me a message & let the project begin.

Please spread this project to anyone willing to give it a shot. I welcome all.

God Bless and thank you all.


The First Insight

The Celestine Prophecy Experiential Guide

by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne

Chapter 1

pg 6-9

In Jung's thinking, at the moment of coincidental events there appears to be a change in the balance of psychic energy present in the unconscious and the conscious areas. Like balancing on a seesaw, the coincidence lowers for an instant the attention of the conscious psychic energy, pushing the unconscious material up from the primal depths. This psychic movement is perhaps similar to a galvanizing shock, making two people fee as if something exciting had happened. They suddenly feel more alive.

Of course, the beauty of synchronicity is that it is a gift of the universal flow of energy. We don't need a rational explanation in order to be moved by it. However, once we have felt the connection, we might want to play with it a little further to see what it is trying to promote. For example, three people might get together with the conscious intent of discovering why the energy suddenly coalesced in this triangle. Do they have further work to do together? Is there a connection as yet undiscovered?

Alan Vaughan, author of Incredible Coincidence, a delightful collection of real-life coincidences, comments:

The syncrhonistic events of everyday life are no different in form from the startling, dramatic occurrences that excite our wonder and make us say, “What an incredible coincidence!” The main difference lies in their subtlety, the ways in which minor events of life are shaped and patterned. We often shrug them off as chance, but a moment's reflection makes us realize that the role of chance in our lives extends even to small, personal, and meaningful events.....everyday coincidences show the artfulness of our unconscious minds in creating our lives. The least we can do is admire it. The most we can do is to give that creative expression our full support.

Coincidences as Answers to Prayers

Synchronicities seem to occur when we need them most. It might well be that a state of flux, uncertainty, confusion, frustration, and chaos expands the opportunity for chance to play a starring role. As the First Insight says, our inner restlessness is a sign that something is afoot, and if we could but see behind the scenes, we might be surprised by the amount of “furniture rearranging” that is going on. How many times have you experienced the old adage that “It's always darkest before dawn”? What stories do you have to tell about the all but forgotten loan that is repaid on the day the rent is due with no money in the bank account- or some similar account of answered prayer?

Coincidences come into being most readily when we are in a highly expectant state. Most esoteric literature advises that a combination of emotional charge and vivid imagining stimulates the ability to attract into our lives that which we desire- in some form or other. Even the scientific para psychological experiments conducted at Duke University in the 1950's demonstrated, without doubt, that the most important factors for success in the ESP tests were “enthusiasm,” “high interest in producing accurate guesses, especially at the beginning of the day,” and a general sense of “hopeful expectancy”

Coincidence, then, is beyond reckoning or will, is elegant, enigmatic, and sometimes funny. Coincidence is the mechanism of growth, the how of evolution. It can mysteriously open up new opportunities through which we transcend outdated self-limiting ideas, and experience the direct evidence that life is much more than materialistic survival or mere intellectual reliance on faith. Life is spiritually dynamic.



Be aware that your life has a purpose, and events happen for a reason.

Begin the process of finding meaning behind each life event.

Acknowledge restless energy as a sign of needed change and deeper awareness. Listen to your body.

Realize that what you pay attention to will expand.

Notice when you feel a signal to talk with someone who might be able to help with your current questions. Where does your attention go? What did you notice today?

Trust your process. Live by letting yourself be guided, not by a forced set of goals. Know that you are fulfilling your life's destiny.

Start a personal journal for recording synchronistic events. Writing in a journal is a good way to clarify your thoughts.

Summary of the First Insight

The first insight is the insight of awakening. We look out on our lives and realize that more is occurring than we thought. Beyond our everyday routines and challenges we can detect the mysterious influence of the divine: “meaningful coincidences” that seem to be sending us messages and leading us in a particular direction. At first we only glimpse these coincidences as we race by, hardly paying attention. But eventually we begin to slow down and to look more closely at these events. Open and alert, we are more able to detect the next synchronistic event. Coincidences seem to ebb and flow, sometimes rushing forward in quick succession, other times leaving us becalmed. Yet we know that we have discovered the soul process that guides our lives forward. The remaining insights clarify how to increase the frequency of this mysterious synchronicity and discover the ultimate destiny toward which we are being led.




Interesting factoid about the video. The candle I used in the video was hand molded and has specific herbs and intent of the muses. It states that its supposed to burn more wildly, truer to fire's actual nature. Now what's funny is that when I looked up the word meditation I got the following definition.

To muse over, contemplate, ponder, intend, plan. Didn't occur to me until after reading that, that meditation literally means to muse over something.

As I'm typing this Muse the band comes on spotify (set to random with 7,049 songs to choose from this is quite interesting to say the least.) Song apocalypse please which the word apocalypse actually means to reveal not destruction as everyone will tell you.

So the true definition for meditate is actually to ponder, contemplate, or muse which is an inspiring act of creativity.

I will share some videos in the class for you to watch and I really would love to hear feedback. It's a class to learn from each other.

Each week I'll post videos and after watching them I ask that you leave your thoughts about it and share anything you feel the class could benefit their understanding toward. Whether it is an article, another video, or anything that feels connected to it.

Thank you for joining us here and I'm honored to learn from you all.

Tesla Documentary

TV For Your Soul


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